Frequently Asked Questions


  • Trouble registering?
    • If you are having problems registering, and you've checked that you have a valid email address, username, and password, please email the AmplePoints crew at We'd be happy to help you.
  • Trouble registering?
    • If you are having problems registering, and you've checked that you have a valid email address, username, and password, please email the AmplePoints crew at We'd be happy to help you.
  • Why do I need a valid email address?
    • We want to make sure that everything flows as easy as possible for you and that your new AmplePoints account is secure. With a valid email address, you will be able to receive your order information and updates on how to earn more rewards!
  • Why do I need a valid email address?
    • We want to make sure that everything flows as easy as possible for you and that your new AmplePoints account is secure. With a valid email address, you will be able to receive your order information and updates on how to earn more rewards!
  • What information do I need to register?
    • In order to register on AmplePoints, you will need to type in your first and last name, a valid email address, and a zip code of your permanent U.S. address.

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